
Promoting Oral Health in the workplace is of great value to both employers and their staff.

An effective oral health routine can improve appearance, confidence and help make a good first impression when meeting clients and colleagues. It can also reduce the need for unplanned dental trips and lot productivity.
However, poor oral health is not just about toothache. It has a much wider impact on general body health than you may be aware of. Recent research has found growing evidence linking the bacteria which cause tooth and gum problems to serious health conditions including heart disease, strokes and bowel cancer.  Promotion of a good oral health routine has therefore never been more important.
Some easy ways to promote oral health in your workplace:

  • Include the key oral health messages in your healthy eating campaigns
  • Encourage positive oral health habits when at work: choosing low sugar snacks and drinks, cutting out fizzy drinks
  • Provide and promote drinking water to staff. If your office has vending machines or other catering facilities, try to ensure these provide low sugar snack options
  • Participate in national oral health campaigns such as National Smile Month (mid May-mid June) and Mouth Cancer Action Month (November)

You can download the leaflets, posters and postcards by clicking here.