
Don’t let mouth cancer take away life’s little pleasures

Most of us take our mouths for granted – talking, smiling, eating, drinking, kissing.

Many of us haven’t even heard of mouth cancer…but did you know that each year in Scotland we have 600 new cases and 200 deaths.

Who can get mouth cancer?
Anyone can get mouth cancer, but you are 35 times more likely to get it if you smoke and drink a lot. Most cases tend to be people over 50 years old but in recent times there have been a growing number of younger people and women affected.

Where should I look?
You can get mouth cancer on your tongue, gums, lips, cheeks and floor or roof of your mouth. So get to know what is normal for your own mouth.

Open your mouth and have a quick look inside….have a feel around with your tongue for anything odd. And remember early signs can be painless so don’t ignore something that is unusual in your mouth.

Remember, mouth cancer can be treated more easily if it is caught early…

What should I look out for?
It may surprise you to know that an ulcer or sore in your mouth that doesn’t heal after 3 weeks could be a sign of mouth cancer.

Other things to look out for in and around your mouth are:

  • Swelling
  • A lump or bump on your lips, gums or inside your mouth
  • A white, red or dark patch
  • Ongoing soreness in your mouth or throat

What should I do if I have any concerns?
If you notice any of these things in your mouth, even if they aren’t sore, make an appointment with your dentist or doctor. And don’t panic, the chances are that it won’t be anything serious. But don’t be someone who takes their mouth for granted.

If in doubt, get checked out.

Remember if you aren’t currently registered with an NHS Dentist, call DIAL, the Dental Information and Advice Line, on 0345 45 65 990. DIAL can provide you with information and advice about registering with an NHS dentist in Grampian. DIAL is available between 8:05am – 6:00pm Monday to Friday and can also answer any questions about dental services or treatment.

  • Things you can do to help yourself
    Stop smoking. Call Healthpoint on 08085 20 20 30 or email You can also get some advice from your pharmacist or doctor.
  • Cut down on how much you drink. For advice and information contact Alcohol Focus on 0141 572 6700 or
  • Visit your dentist regularly for checkups – even if you wear dentures.
  • Be aware of what is normal for your own mouth. If it changes, get it checked.
  • Eat a diet high in fruit and


Further advice and support

Cancer Research UK
The UK’s leading cancer charity. This site has a wealth of information about cancer, including advice and support for patients and their families.

British Dental Health Foundation
The Foundation is the leading UK-based independent charity working to bring about improved standards of oral health care. The website contains all the relevant information on oral hygiene for the public, professionals and media.