FAQ for
NHS Dental
Please click here to be taken to the updated list of practices currently registering NHS patients.
1. Why have I been deregistered?
Due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on dental services and education there has been a significant reduction in the number of new dentists coming into the workforce. None of these issues are unique to Grampian; they are being experienced across the country.
Locally, this has led some practices choosing to reduce their NHS commitment by deregistering patients due to difficulties with recruiting dentists. Other practices may choose to only provide dental treatment for their patients on a private basis and deregister patients who decline private dental care.
As independent contractors to the NHS, they are allowed under the NHS regulations to do this, and practices are free to take the decisions they feel are right for their business
2. I’m currently under treatment or have an appointment. What should I do?
When a practice gives you notice of its intention to deregister you, they are required to give you 3 months’ notice from the date of the letter. During that 3-month period the practice is still responsible for your dental care. You should continue to keep your appointments to receive any agreed treatment during that 3 months’ notice period.
3. Can I register with another NHS Dental Practice?
It is possible for any Grampian resident to register with other NHS practices anywhere in Grampian. Availability of practices accepting new NHS patients can be found by accessing the link below: https://www.grampiandental.com/dental-practice-registration-availability/
4. Can I get access to emergency and urgent dental care? <
If you are experiencing dental pain or swelling whilst waiting to get registered or have any other dental queries, please contact the Dental Information and Advice Line (DIAL) on 0345 4565 990 Monday to Friday 8:05am – 6:00pm for advice on accessing treatment.
In some cases, we can also offer single courses of treatment to resolve long standing dental problems. Unregistered children with urgent issues or those identified via Dental Public Health programmes: Childsmile and National Dental Inspection Programme (NDIP) are directed to the Public Dental Service and offered necessary treatment.
More information about maintaining good oral health can be found here.