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Contact a Healthcare Professional

Your Dentist 

If you are already registered with a dentist and are simply looking for your dentist’s contact details, they may be available on the NHS Inform website.

Please note, NHS Grampian is not responsible for the content or accuracy of external websites.


The Dental Information and Advice Line (DIAL) is available for patients to talk to qualified dental nurses between 8.05am and 6pm, Monday to Friday. 

The Dental nurses can:

  • assess your needs and give you an emergency appointment if necessary
  • give you advice for dental problems
  • provide details of NHS dentists in your local area  

The telephone number for DIAL is: 0345 45 65 990


Out-of-Hours Emergency Dental Service (GDENS)

If you are in pain or have a genuine dental emergency on a weekend or out of hours, you can contact NHS 24 on 111. NHS 24 will assess your needs and issue an emergency appointment if necessary. If an appointment is given, NHS charges and exemptions will apply to your treatment.